Friday, June 10, 2011

The clearing in the clouds

There are so many goals, that I thrive to complete,

But with fear looming large, my heart stifles a beat;

So many dreams, in each breath, I long to fulfill,

The uncertainty dangles, screaming loud and shrill.

The to-do-lists in my head, spill onto a million pages,

Overwhelming me as I add, I wish I could rip the cages.

The foam atop my coffee, I watch as it disappears,

Taking with it my burdens, the mountain of my fears;

"There is room for more, your cup won't overflow",

A hopeful voice in my heart calls- soft, firm and mellow.

I gape at the brew, as it colors, the water and the milk,

My dreams blending into life, glistening like smooth silk.

It is good that the days now pass, without my realizing,

The trauma of knowing is worse than all stress building.

I think of the woman, at the traffic signal, collecting,

Scooping out a puddle, who knows what she was doing,

Unaffected by attention; I wondered about her story,

Whose struggles are greater- her living or my glory?

I pondered for a long time, but life dragged me out,

"No moving out of line", the expectations gave a shout.

An old lady suffering burns had died in my arms,

I'd bandaged for hours, but I ought to have no qualms.

The baby I adored, the precious angel that once was,

Her eyes, big marbles twinkling, she left in me a cause;

I've tried hard to focus, yet I recollect not, her name,

She built the desire to cure, burning bright it's flame.

I know that no obstacle, no fear can shake my will,

In the midst of turmoil, the urgency to win adds thrill.

My thoughts give hope, they show me new direction,

I ain't losing steam, I'll chug away with determination.


rivercat said...

i love the part about coffee
but the point is that these posive messages you thinkup and write with such grace are good for when you feel down yes , but also to keep the momentum going or even go into overdrive. I know that casn be dangeruous in cash you crash though !

great one :)

Of One Heart said...

I like that you left me your feedback. It got me thinking. Thanks! :)

kae said...

oh this again is a very lovely post! so full of positivism. it made my day! the last bit i so love: i aint losing steam, i'll chug away with determination.. i thought of a train chugging with determination and how it chugs towards its destination.. ((:

Jodie-Ann Muckler said...

This is amazing!!! :D
It is very important to never give up because "Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles."-Charlie Chaplin.

Of One Heart said...

@ Kayren:

I haven't had too many poetry readers, so I'm sincerely glad to see your comment here. Thanks for reading me, Kayren! :)

p.s. I'm curious! Why the "y" in Karen?

Of One Heart said...

@ Jodie-Ann:

Did you know that I've needed to hear that, today? I really, really have. Thanks, Jodie!


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