Thursday, June 23, 2011

Take a breather

Sometimes, it is best to just slow down a bit.

Where there is love and faith,

There ain't no room for stress and mental clutter.

Ask yourself- question the impossible, if you will;

What if the Lord makes a mistake with your life?

What if He is unable to deliver?

Will you still trust Him as much?

Or Is your love part of a bargain offer?

No, you aren't losing your mind.

It is okay to want to sort the facts out for yourself.

Now that you've drawn a clear conclusion,

Take time for yourself; you need some nurturing.

Eat a full meal that actually suits your body.

When you feel a certain degree of peace again;

Listen calmly to your strongest prayer.

Hear every word, feel every emotion behind it.

Write it down, if it helps you focus better.

If the sentiment causes you to cry,

How can you imagine that it doesn't touch His heart?

How can you say that He doesn't worry for you as much?

God fulfills every wish made in faith and trust.

Stop thinking of your situation as hopeless.

You're confusing the universe with conflicting ideas.

You know exactly what it is that you want.

The words reside in every cell of your being;

Just say them out loud to yourself.

Repeat them till you believe them to be true.

Your every thought is in process right now.

Don't idle away, bow down or surrender.

Fight- fight till the end!

The rest will be taken care of, I guarantee.

Your Heavenly Father is giving you every sign you need.

See. Believe. Accept. Receive.

You're on the right track, hun!

Stay steady; gather your artillery.

It's going to be a tough battle;

But the strongest of them all is on your side.

Think of how you're going to celebrate your victory.


Julie said...

For me? PERFECT!!! I'm sure this fits lots but it seems written for me. Thank you my friend.
Take care and have a blessed day. My day is coming to a close soon. Time to relax, reflect and rejoice.

Of One Heart said...

Haha! :D Yes, my girl! For you! :)

Sleep well.


Jodie-Ann Muckler said...

This post reminds me of Bob Marley's song Get Up Stand Up. xD

Of One Heart said...

:) I just googled that. Fun perspective!

Unknown said...

this is such an amazing post! I am a new follower today! I cannot wait to be inspired more and more by your lovely blog!


Of One Heart said...

Hello, sweet Melody-Mae! :) I think I'm inspired a lot more by your profile than you ought to be by me!

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