Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fire purifies the gold

YOU define your life.

Your presence makes it special.

Don't let anyone else change you.

You know that you've been working hard.

The uncertainty attempts to shadow your brilliance.

Don't hand over your ace card to the enemy- protect it.

Ignorance might walk tall and confident.

You don't need to be jealous, though.

You are SO much more!

You've been actively learning.

You're persistent in the face of hardships.

The rewards will come.

That simply is the law of nature.

You will feel light.

You will smile without hesitation.

You will be happier for having gone through the rut.

Your dreams will be your waking reality.

You will feel fulfilled, proud and peaceful.

Soon, it will all come to you.

Breathe your desires- let them transport you.

They will keep you alive despite the suffocating strain.

Live your future when your vision blurs.

It holds the precious key to your present.

In obligatory flight, under the harshness of the sun,

The magnificent wings of hope illuminate themselves.

Success is in trying until your last breath.

Victory will salute your faithful dedication.

Keep going!

You only have a few paces to go, to finally get there.

You won't remember the emotion of this day, I promise.

You will have risen as high as fate can carry you.

You will know that the effort was worth it's entirety.


Unknown said...

Another very inspiring post. I agree that when you finally reaches you're desired destination you will forget all the pain you experienced while traveling.

"Keep going!
You only have a few paces to go, to finally get there.
You won't remember the emotion of this day, I promise.
You will have risen as high as fate can carry you."

Thank for this. You are simply awesome!

Of One Heart said...

@ Mayen: My girl, your comments motivate me back! It's funny how things sound more powerful when they come from someone else. Thank you for lighting me up, again! :)

Jodie-Ann Muckler said...

This is awesome, as usual :D
In my school gym, we have this poster that says "NEVER NEVER GIVE"
This post reminded me of it :)

Anonymous said...

my darling, you know it makes me so happy knowing that a lot of people is now visiting your blog more often.


by the way, You don't need to be jealous, though.You are SO much more!

these lines hit the bell :)

Of One Heart said...

@ Jodie-Ann and Haze:

You girls will always stay special to me. Remember that, you two! :) Thank you both for all the loving comments you've left me since the start of this blog- you've helped me grow.


kae said...

i love your website. you know what, your on my link list now. cheers! thanks for spreading the positivism! (;

Of One Heart said...

Haha!! Kayren, this is such a pleasant surprise! How sweet of you! THANK YOU!!

I feel like I just got a nice, happy pat on my back. Thanks!


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