Sunday, May 15, 2011

You rose from the ashes

I just heard the voice of a friend.

It reminded me of ME from a while back.

It touched a part of my soul that has stayed shut.

When life goes on, we forget where we came from.

No, we don't truly forget.

We just choose not to remember.

Remember all that you have tackled?

Remember where you rose from?

Remember the ashes that almost became YOU?

THAT is how strong you are.

You may not believe that it was you back there.

You might find it hard to absorb that you won.

The fact is- It was you.

Today, the battle you're fighting is small.

It is minuscule in comparison.

Nothing compares to the battle for survival.


Look at that part of you.

Give that person a firm handshake and a hug.

When there is no option, you win.

The actual race to the finish may seem hazy.

Things probably happened too fast.

You got unexpected help from the universe.

It might have hurt you, but you shone, standing tall.

You're that warrior who fought a big war- a long war.

Don't belittle yourself.

That old ache in your heart will lead you to victory.

Look at those who heal other lives with their pain.

You have so much more to learn.

There is so much more that you can do.

The heaviness in your heart is your shield.

It is your most potent weapon.

Wield it.

You need it to fight this little race to the top.

Even a tenth of that strength will get you to win.

Thank your wrong-doer for that training.

Hold on to the positive circle you have.

Shield it from every negative mind.

One day, that evil will wash itself clean-

Only because you persisted.


zaynab. said...

Awesome post ~ ! !
Love what you put here.
Especially "When there is no option, you win.".

& iAwarded you on my blog.

Anonymous said...

thank you for this, darling. you always know the words to say :)

Jodie-Ann Muckler said...


Unknown said...

This is really nice. It's good reading to start my day!

I so love this line "Today, the battle you're fighting is small.It is minuscule in comparison."

Thank you!!

Of One Heart said...

@ Zaynab: This is so special to me. Thank you!! :)

@ Haze: :) I love that it always clicks with you!

@ Jodie-Ann: :) The smiles make me happy!

@ Mayen: :) I am humbled to know that you girls like my posts. Thank you!

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