Each day, you do several things.
Some of it is fabulous, some is good and some not.
Nobody really remembers any of it.
Only YOU keep the memory of it burning in your heart.
If it ups your self-esteem, great!
But if it embarrasses you, depresses you or drives you to the brink of suicide; something is amiss, don't you think??
Remember this-
God doesn't judge any of us, irrespective of what we do.
He loves every single one of us exactly the same.
He is proud that we play our roles so flawlessly.
But YOU don't appreciate the life that you've lived.
Think about it.
There is never any absolute right or wrong in life.
When you did a certain thing in your past, you did it using all the knowledge, understanding and experience you had then.
You have grown since, tremendously.
Be proud of what you have now learned.
That experience was required for your growth.
You have only climbed higher from where you were.
Why feel bad then??
Are you ashamed of having progressed?
Are you sinking internally because you're wiser now?
Only you know how MUCH you have risen.
Only you know the odds that you have conquered.
The way I see it-
Someone was meant to live the life that you live.
God looked into the crowd of zillions for a volunteer.
But nobody had the guts to do this.
No one at all- except YOU.
Only YOU had the courage to think of living as You.
You bring grace, skill and class into everything you do.
You have it in you to be honest in success and in failure.
You're the best there is/was/ever will be for this role.
Don't crouch in shame.
Your heart of gold is meant to bare.
People may not have an understanding of any of this.
It is a classic case of sour grapes for them.
Don't expect them to tell you that you did well.
Read in their eyes, at best!
Feel good about you.
There is truly none like you.
You're precious.
Let your spirits rise.
Celebrate yourself. :) :) :)
I agree with this. It is very important to make mistakes, because without them, you'd never learn from them and therefore, you'd never improve.
I really like that you're so wise already! :)
thank you so much for this... i really need some of your positive thoughts right now :')
@ Haze:
Oh, Haze! For all the times that I don't write everyday and you feel that you need some positivity, go back to any of my old posts at random- forget about the commenting and read them to feel better. I don't like it when you're sad. Here's a hug. xoxo
@ G:
Thanks so very much! :)
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